Metabolic Wellness Network: Join the mission to prevent diabetes and improve metabolic wellnesss for you and in your community

Select your preferred language, take the test, know your Diabetes Risk score, and share this software and our website with your friends and families.

English Version: Diabetes Risk Test
Chinese Version: 糖尿病风险测试
French Version: Test sur le risque de diabète
German Version: Risikotest für Diabetes
Japanese Version: 糖尿病リスクテスト
Korean Version: 당뇨병 위험 테스트
Spanish Version: Prueba de riesgo para la diabetes

Diabetes Risk Test

One in four people with diabetes is undiagnosed. Could you be one of the millions people who has diabetes and doesn't know it? Take this simple test and learn more about your risk for getting type 2 diabetes.

Your Age: As you get older, your risk for type 2 diabetes goes up.

< 40 (0 points)
40-49 (1 point)
50-59 (2 points)
>= 60 (3 points)

Your Gender: Men are twice as likely to have undiagnosed diabetes as women.

Man (1 point)     Woman (0 points)

If you are a woman,have you ever been diagnosed with gestational diabetes?

Yes (1 point)     No (0 points)

Having family with diabetes? If your mother, father, sister or brother with diabetes could mean you're genetically vulnerable, the risk doubles.

Yes (1 point)     No (0 point)

Your Height:   


Your Weight:    Overweight increases your risk of type 2 diabetes.


Having high blood pressure? Having high blood pressure contributes to your overall risk.

Yes (1 point)     No (0 points)

Are you physically active? Being inactive can increase your risk for type 2 diabetes.

Yes (0 points)     No (1 point)

The Diabetes Risk Test is based on the publications and guidelines from National Diabetes Education Program of NIH.